Conflict Prevention and Low-Carbon Development
​1. Project Outputs
Nyakerario, R. and Mirumachi, N. (2022). Assessing conflict sensitivity of renewable energy projects in Kakuma Refugee Camp: A preliminary analysis. King’s College London-SEI
Mirumachi, N (2022). Challenges and Solutions of Climate Geoengineering, War Studies Department King's College London, Accessible at: https://soundcloud.com/warstudies/challenges-and-solutions-of-climate-geoengineering?in=warstudies/sets/climate-change-national
Hautsch, M. (2021). The potential of conflict sensitivity approaches to address the water, food and energy security implications of Dam Gibe III, Thesis (Masters), King's College London.
Mirumachi N. and Hautsch M. (2021) ‘Unpacking climate, development and conflict: Insights for contexts of FCACs’. In Molesworth T. and Hug A, eds (2021) A ‘Force for Good’: Examining UK Engagement in Fragile and Conflict Affected Countries, The Foreign Policy Centre and Peaceful Initiative, p. 58, https://fpc.org.uk/publications/a-force-for-good/
Lambe, F., Ran Y., Jürisoo M., Holmlid S., Muhoza C., Johnson O. and Osborne M. (2020) ‘Embracing complexity: A transdisciplinary conceptual framework for understanding behavior change in the context of development-focused interventions’, World Development, 126, p. 104703. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.104703.
Lomax, J., Osborne, M., Aminga, V., Mirumachi, N. and Johnson, O. (2021), 'Causal pathways in the political economy of climate adaptation: Winners and losers in Turkana, Kenya solar mini-grid projects', Energy Research & Social Science, 82, doi:10.1016/j.erss.2021.102296.
Stevenson E.J.G. and Kamski B. (2021), Ethiopia’s ‘Blue Oil’? Hydropower, Irrigation and Development in the Omo-Turkana Basin, In E.C. Gabbert, F. Gebresenbet, J.G. Galaty, and G. Schlee, eds. (2021) Lands of the Future: Anthropological perspectives on pastoralism, land deals and tropes of modernity in Eastern Africa, Oxford: Berghahn, 292-308
Osborne, M., Aminga, V. and Lomax, J. (2020). 'Causal pathways in the political economy of adaptation projects Experience from mapping the solar electricity system in Turkana, Kenya'. SEI Working Paper. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm. Available from: https://www.sei.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/201117a-gill-osborne-turkana-solar-causal-pathways-wp-2010e.pdf
Mirumachi, N. (2020) 'In the name of climate security: A relational understanding of spaces of low carbon development'. 2020 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance.
2. Relevant Select Publications by the project members
Stevenson E.J.G., Buffavand L. and Keestra M.S. (2021), 'Thinking upstream: a critical examination of a cholera outbreak in Ethiopia', In Couldrey M. and Philip A., eds. (2021) Forced Migration Review: Public Health and WASH (67,07/08), Oxford Refugee Studies Centre, 14-16.
Mirumachi, N., Sawas, A., & Workman, M. (2019). 'Unveiling the security concerns of low carbon development: Climate security analysis of the undesirable and unintended effects of mitigation and adaptation', Climate and Development 12(2), 97–109. doi: 10.1080/17565529.2019.1604310.
Lambe, F., Ran, Y., Jürisoo, M., Holmlid, S., Muhoza, C., Johnson, O. and Osborne, M. (2020), 'Embracing complexity: A transdisciplinary conceptual framework for understanding behavior change in the context of development-focused interventions', World Development 126, 104703.
Hodbod, Jennifer, Stevenson, Edward G. J., Akall, G. et al. (2019), 'Social-ecological change in the Omo-Turkana basin: A synthesis of current developments', Ambio 48(10), 1099-1115.
Osborne, M., Sundström, E., and Bodin, Ö. (2019), 'Ecological interdependencies and resource competition: The role of information and communication in promoting effective collaboration in complex management situations', PLOS ONE, 14(12). e0225903.
Stevenson, Edward G.J. (2019), 'Water access transformations: Metrics, infrastructure, and inequities', Water Security 8, 100047.
Pertaub, David-Paul & Stevenson, Edward G.J. (2019), 'Pipe Dreams: Water, Development and the Work of The Imagination in Ethiopia's Lower Omo Valley.' Nomadic Peoples 23(2), 177-194.
Stevenson, Edward G. J. & Buffavand, Lucie (2018), 'Do Our Bodies Know Their Ways?” Villagization, Food Insecurity, and Ill-Being in Ethiopia’s Lower Omo Valley', African Studies Review 61(01), 109-133.
Osborne, M., D’Exelle, B., & Verschoor, A. (2018), 'Truly reconciled? A dyadic analysis of post-conflict social reintegration in Northern Uganda', Journal of Peace Research, 55(1), 107–121.
Munia, H., Guillaume, J., Mirumachi, N., Wada, Y., & Kummu, M. (2018), 'How downstream sub-basins depend on upstream inflows to avoid scarcity: typology and global analysis of transboundary rivers', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22(5), 2795-2809.
Zeitoun, M., Mirumachi, N., Warner, J., Kirkegaard, M., Cascao, A. (2019), 'Analysis for Water Conflict Transformation', Water International 45(4), 365-384
Jones, S., Boundaogo, M., DeClerck, F., Estrada-Carmona, C., Mirumachi, N., Mulligan, M. (2019) Insights into the importance of ecosystem services to human well-being in agricultural landscapes. Ecosystem Services 39: 100987.
Zeitoun, M., Lankford, B., Krueger, T., Forsyth, T., Carter, R., Hoekstra, A. Y., Taylor, R., Varis, O., Cleaver, F., Boelens, R., Swatuk, L., Tickner, D., Scott, C.A., Mirumachi, N., & Matthews, N.(2016), 'Reductionist and integrative research approaches to complex water security policy challenges', Global Environmental Change 39, 143-154.
3. Selected Book Chapters
Mirumachi, N. (2017). Rivers and river basin management. In Wiley- American Association of Geographers ed., The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology
Stevenson, E.G.J & Mekonnen, J. (2012), Two rivers: water and power in Ethiopia, In Mendenhall, E. & Koon, A. Albuquerque eds., Environmental Health Narratives: A Reader for Youth, University of New Mexico Press.
Mirumachi, N. (2018), Reflections on enabling conditions through the lens of power asymmetry, In Choudhury, E. and Islam, S eds., Resolution of Transboundary Water Conflicts: The Role of Enabling Conditions for Pragmatic Negotiation, Anthem Press, New York, 217-224.​
Mirumachi, N. (2013), Transboundary water security: Reviewing the importance of national regulatory and accountability capacities, In B.A. Lankford, K. Bakker, M. Zeitoun and D Conway eds. Water Security, Routledge, Abingdon, 166-179.
4. Policy Briefs​
Sawas, A., Workman, M. Mirumachi, N. (2018), 'Climate change, low-carbon transitions and security', Grantham Institute Briefing paper No 25, Imperial College London