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​1. Project Outputs

  • Nyakerario, R. and Mirumachi, N. (2022). Assessing conflict sensitivity of renewable energy projects in Kakuma Refugee Camp: A preliminary analysis. King’s College London-SEI



  • Hautsch, M. (2021). The potential of conflict sensitivity approaches to address the water, food and energy security implications of Dam Gibe III, Thesis (Masters), King's College London.


  • Mirumachi N. and Hautsch M. (2021)  ‘Unpacking climate, development and conflict: Insights for contexts of FCACs’. In Molesworth T. and Hug A, eds (2021) A ‘Force for Good’: Examining UK Engagement in Fragile and Conflict Affected Countries, The Foreign Policy Centre and Peaceful Initiative, p. 58,


  • Lambe, F., Ran Y., Jürisoo M., Holmlid S., Muhoza C., Johnson O. and Osborne M. (2020) ‘Embracing complexity: A transdisciplinary conceptual framework for understanding behavior change in the context of development-focused interventions’, World Development, 126, p. 104703. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.104703.


  • Lomax, J., Osborne, M., Aminga, V., Mirumachi, N. and Johnson, O. (2021), 'Causal pathways in the political economy of climate adaptation: Winners and losers in Turkana, Kenya solar mini-grid projects', Energy Research & Social Science, 82, doi:10.1016/j.erss.2021.102296. 


  • Stevenson E.J.G. and Kamski B. (2021), Ethiopia’s ‘Blue Oil’? Hydropower, Irrigation and Development in the Omo-Turkana Basin, In E.C. Gabbert, F. Gebresenbet, J.G. Galaty, and G. Schlee, eds. (2021) Lands of the Future: Anthropological perspectives on pastoralism, land deals and tropes of modernity in Eastern Africa, Oxford: Berghahn, 292-308



  • Mirumachi, N. (2020) 'In the name of climate security: A relational understanding of spaces of low carbon development'. 2020 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance.

2. Relevant Select Publications by the project members

  • Stevenson E.J.G., Buffavand L. and Keestra M.S. (2021), 'Thinking upstream: a critical examination of a cholera outbreak in Ethiopia', In Couldrey M. and Philip A., eds. (2021) Forced Migration Review: Public Health and WASH (67,07/08), Oxford Refugee Studies Centre, 14-16.











  • Zeitoun, M., Mirumachi, N., Warner, J., Kirkegaard, M., Cascao, A. (2019), 'Analysis for Water Conflict Transformation', Water International 45(4), 365-384


  • Jones, S., Boundaogo, M., DeClerck, F., Estrada-Carmona, C., Mirumachi, N., Mulligan, M. (2019) Insights into the importance of ecosystem services to human well-being in agricultural landscapes. Ecosystem Services 39: 100987. 


  • Zeitoun, M., Lankford, B., Krueger, T., Forsyth, T., Carter, R., Hoekstra, A. Y., Taylor, R., Varis, O., Cleaver, F., Boelens, R., Swatuk, L., Tickner, D., Scott, C.A., Mirumachi, N., & Matthews, N.(2016), 'Reductionist and integrative research approaches to complex water security policy challenges', Global Environmental Change 39, 143-154.


3. Selected Book Chapters

  • Mirumachi, N. (2017). Rivers and river basin management. In Wiley- American Association of Geographers ed., The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology



  • Mirumachi, N. (2018), Reflections on enabling conditions through the lens of power asymmetry, In Choudhury, E. and Islam, S eds., Resolution of Transboundary Water Conflicts: The Role of Enabling Conditions for Pragmatic Negotiation, Anthem Press, New York, 217-224.​


  • Mirumachi, N. (2013), Transboundary water security: Reviewing the importance of national regulatory and accountability capacities, In B.A. Lankford, K. Bakker, M. Zeitoun and D Conway eds. Water Security, Routledge, Abingdon, 166-179.


4. Policy Briefs​

  • Sawas, A., Workman, M. Mirumachi, N. (2018), 'Climate change, low-carbon transitions and security', Grantham Institute Briefing paper No 25, Imperial College London



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