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Research on climate change, renewable energy and security in the borderlands of Ethiopia and Kenya

This three-year grant was awarded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS) to support research that investigates the changing livelihood conditions around the Omo-Turkana Basin—a lake basin which supports over 5 million people.

Dr Matthew Osborne, SEI research fellow, along with Dr Naho Mirumachi, King’s College London, will lead a multidisciplinary research team with individuals from institutes in Ethiopia, Kenya, Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom who will document changing livelihood conditions and monitor impacts of renewable energy projects on peace and security.

The project seeks to develop tools to build policymakers’ and implementers’ capacities to implement conflict-sensitive renewables development.

As well as academic partners, the project includes civil society, governmental and multi-lateral partners, including: Turkana University and Turkana Pastoralist Development Organisation (TUPADO).


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